So per my earlier post on scarves, I am not surprisingly a little behind getting everything listed to my ALStudio shop considering I wanted to have it all out there a couple weeks ago. I tend to crochet in front of the fireplace on cold weekends, but sorting through all of these scarves (#scarves) for Etsy has me wanting to sit down and crochet something now! In the meantime I have garden produce (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, squash, etc.) piling up in the kitchen, so I guess that's been higher on the priority list lately.
I was given some advice that I liked a few years ago. When several of us were talking about endless to do lists and feeling guilty that you just never get around to so many things, a friend told us that's what priority lists are for. You make time for the important things one way or the other, and if some things never get done, maybe they just weren't that important to begin with. It's OK to put something on the list, and it's OK to decide it's not going to happen after all. Just trying to remind myself...